Thursday, July 30, 2020

How to Get Ripped & Change Your Life

Discover How This Failed Overweight Musician Went From Losing Everything To Building Multiple Successful Businesses, a Great New Relationship, and a Ripped Fitness Body...

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Hey, it’s your friend Adam Roberts and welcome to this page!
You are here because you want to partner with me and finally change your life…
This page isn’t for everyone…
Now, if you aren’t ready to put in the work, you can exit this page here…
This isn’t some get-rich-quick method…
This isn't some quick weight loss trick...
If you are a serious and motivated individual who wants to change their life, whether that’s a better body, a better relationship, or a better financial situation…
Then keep reading and pay close attention.
Every single opportunity that I have started I have become a top recruiter because I have mastered how to build businesses and build myself personally. 
So how did it all start?

It All Started here….
Prior to all of this, I was struggling musician who worked at a freight company and…
  • I was kicked out of the house
  • I was losing everything
  • Losing my marriage
  • Losing my house
  • Losing my family
  • Losing my mind
  • Sleeping in my office
  • Depressed down and out
  • Sad, alone and afraid
  • Just about going crazy and ofcourse.... I was overeating and losing myself
Then Something Happened That Changed My Life  Forever….

I found the keys to having a great body. The kind of body I had always dreamed of.  The kind of body that I thought only THOSE people had.  But I found a way to do it myself.  Amazingly just by doing some research on the internet and applying what I learned, it changed everything for me. I found the keys to a healthy lifestyle. And learned not only how to lose weight but to build muscle at the same time. 

At the time, I had no idea the impact this would have.  But the progress wasn't immediate.  I was making progress but it was still taking time as I continued to work.  But just as I was beginning this journey and making progress.....

Then I got hit with Another Huge setback….

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse.... it did!!  While I was working out, going to counseling, to several groups & marriage coaches to save my relationship, then it happened.... after months of separation, suddenly my wife finally said she wanted to meet with the Priest and talk.  I thought "Okay, maybe this is it.... maybe we were going to move back in together again!"  I felt renewed hope for a moment!  But I was shocked when, instead of saying she wanted to work it out, she shouted over and over that she was done.  Right in front of the priest!  She yelled over and over that she wanted out!! 
I was aghast. I was stunned. My marriage was pretty much over.

And suddenly once again, I was on the downward slide because I had let it happen.   In prior years, I had let myself go physically.  I had let myself go intimately.  I had lost control of myself and my family.

Needless to say, I felt I had to do something. . .
I was lost, scared, alone, and afraid.  And just when I had lost my marriage, I was on the brink of losing everything. 
That's when I truly hit rock bottom...

I saw my wife happily drive away in our minivan to her new house. And she was smiling about it!  That was the dagger in my heart. 

This meant...I had to start a new life.  I needed to do something totally different.  And I had to do something about it fast.  

I needed to make some big changes. 

That's when I discovered the keys to building a great body.  I finally found something that I could do. Something that nobody could take away from me. I found a way to overcome it all.... which didn't need anyone else's participation. Something I could do for MYSELF. And I didn't need anything from anyone else to do it. I found something that I could do FOR ME and something that I alone could reap the benefits from.

I knew that this was my chance. I knew nobody would wanna be with me the way I was. And so I needed to make some big changes. I found it was time to take a leap of faith and go for it.

That was the spark / the kick in the tail I needed.
I was hopeful and energized.... for the first time in a long time.
I knew I was on the right path.

Here's what happened next...

So I went to work. And with just some small changes, and doing them consistently, my body really started to change. With workouts of only a few hours a week, and some essential diet changes I started to see some big results. 
"Then after a few months, one day I looked up and realized I could now..."
  • Look in the mirror, and actually like what I saw in the mirror.
  • No longer was I ashamed of how I looked.
  • In fact I even started taking selfies!
  • No longer was I tired and lethargic
  • I had new energy and I had new fire!
I was forever changed by the fact that Maybe it was true.  Maybe I really could do it!  I started to see that maybe, just like the people I was following, I could do this too. And if it was this simple, that really ANYBODY could do it.

I now felt and saw myself as a new person.   I felt energized.  I felt alive again.  I felt like I could accomplish anything.  No longer was I down about myself - but...

I started to like myself again.  

And that's why I knew I couldn't stop there. I realized that not only did I feel that way, but others around me began to like the changes too. And as I started to get into the dating world, I found there were A LOT of interest from the opposite sex. Frankly, I couldn't believe the attention I was getting. And not just from any women. But from the kind of women I never thought I'd ever be with. Going out with models and gorgeous knockouts and even some perfect 10s. 

And that just helped my confidence even more! All because I got off my ass and worked hard and I found a mentor who had exactly what I wanted. I took everything he said seriously. And he taught me the ropes, and I did everything he said. I began to see changes. And I began to build muscle, increasing tremendous performance and strength. And at the same time I lost weight, decreased body fat, and learned how to obtain the body I'd always wanted.

"Now I am..."
  • In a committed relationship with a beautiful emerging fitness model. And everything is turning around.
  • My relationships are better.
  • My self-esteem is better.
  • My confidence is better.
  • My energy and overall health is better.
  • Even my business and relationships are growing... my whole life has changed for the better!
"I'm able to Look at myself in the mirror without cringing. I can now feel so much better about myself.  I now have hope for the future.  I now can see that anything is possible.  And now can see it's not just those people who I always thought were out of my league.... now I am one of them who's doing it!

"This makes me feel..."
  • That you can do it too.
  • No matter how down you feel.
  • No matter how far down the road you've gone.
  • It's never too late to turn your life around.
  • You can change your body.
  • You can make these small changes to improve your health.
  • You can make the changes to have a better life. And truly the sky is the limit.
What I'd like you to take away from all of this is . . . 

It really is possible for you.
If an overweight lazy 40+ year old slob that looks like this.....

Can completely turn my life around and become this....


Then you can do it too.

Let me help you get to the next level.

Join us.

You will be glad you did it my friend. It will all be worth it.

Check this out:

And this is what I am blessed to enjoy now every single day.....

These are MY personal results and in no way, shape, or form am I saying that you will do exactly the same.
Changing your body requires hard work and a strong work ethic…
Just talk to ANY fitness expert…
However, what I can do is help you cut your learning curve by sharing what took me months to perfect!
In other words, I’ve cracked the code and I am ready to let you in on it!

You see…

You don’t have to go through the painful struggles I went through to figure all of this out…
I am going to point you to a life-change model that has everything in it…
Imagine a life, health, relationship and business model where everything is there for you. 
And ALL you have to do is take direction and follow up on the advice you receive…
How long does it take to get results you may ask?
It literally takes a few months to see a change from the plan.
In fact, the plan is the easiest part.
You just need a good plan that works and a good mentor who will show you the way to go. 

Now one more thing…

If you have gotten all the way through my story, I know that you are now READY to take action, right?
Are you ready to change your life right now?
Are you ready to make the best decision of your life?

Only click the link if you are serious and ready to transform your life so you can live your best life now!

So, if you are ready to kick butt with this free training…

God Bless & See you on the inside,

-Adam Roberts
P.S If you want to check out all my content and reviews, check out my blog page here.

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